Project Description:
The USD 206 Remington-Whitewater Bond Projects include improvements for enhanced safety and security of students, teachers and staff as well as facility expansions for advanced learning and wellness opportunities. The $9.975M bond issue will fund the following projects.
Remington High School
- Storm Shelter
- Secured Entry
- Maker Space / Flexible Classroom
- Testing
- Independent Study
- Career Exploration
- Community Wellness Center
- Walking Track
- Fitness Machines
- Weight Machines
- Competition Gym (for Sub-State Basketball, Volleyball, and Wrestling Tournaments)
- A/C in Existing Gym
Remington Middle School
- Secured Entry
- Expanded Special Education Area
- New Media Center / Library
- Connected to Tech Lab
- Independent Study
- Curriculum Redesign
- Project Based Learning (PBL) Focus
- A/C in Existing Gym
Remington Elementary School
- Secured and Accessible Entry
- New Storm Shelter / Music Room
- A/C in Existing Gym
Project Details:
Remington, KS and Potwin, KS