Maranatha Worship Center

Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
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Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
Maranatha Worship Center
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Project Description:

The Maranatha Worship Center remodel re-imagined the 7,000 SF entrance and children’s area and transformed it into an open and inviting space that reflects the modern church culture. The cozy coffee shop area features mixed color wood plank walls and is flanked by a folding glass wall hearth room that can be opened to the rest of the space or closed to create a more intimate area for meetings or community groups. The flooring and finishes of each area are distinct in order to create the feeling of divided space while maintaining an openness that encourages churchgoers to interact before and after services.

Project Details:

Square Footage:

7,000 SF


MWC Church
888 S Webb Rd, Wichita
Webb & Kellogg

