Project Description:
SPT Architecture teamed with USD 205 Bluestem (located in Leon, KS) to conduct a district-wide facilities study to prepare for a proposed $13.5 million bond campaign. The bond passed in August 2023. The additions and renovations are designed to optimize learning and ensure the community offers its students a 21st century education in a safe and secure environment. Improvements include:
Junior/Senior High School
- Security Upgrades
- New Career & Skill-Based Education Classrooms for FFA and Metals
- Wood Shop Renovation
- New STEM/Science Classrooms (2)
- New Fitness/Weight Room Addition and Walking Path available for Community Use
- New Wrestling Room Addition / Storm Shelter
- Art Room Renovation
- Band Room Expansion & Renovation
- Exterior Improvements
Elementary School
- Secure Entry Renovation
- New Multipurpose Classroom Addition / Storm Shelter
- New Four-Classroom Addition
Project Details:
Leon, KS